alter egos

美 [ˈɔːltər ˈigoʊz]英 [ˈɔːltə(r) ˈɛgəʊz]
  • n.第二自我;知己;至交;挚友
  • alter ego的复数
alter egosalter egos

alter egos


  • 1
    N-COUNT 另一个自我;个性的另一面
    Your alter ego is the other side of your personality from the one which people normally see.

  • 2
    N-COUNT (演员)经常扮演的角色
    You can describe the character that an actor usually plays on television or in films as his or her alter ego.

    Barry Humphries's alter ego Dame Edna has taken the US by storm.


  • 3
    N-COUNT 知己;密友
    An alter ego is a very close and intimate friend whose character is often the opposite of your own.

    She is, first and foremost, her husband's alter ego.


  1. The man without a head is one of his alter egos .


  2. Players built their alter egos by using numbers to represent characteristics such as strength , toughness and intelligence .


  3. THE PARALLEL UNIVERSES of your alter egos constitute the Level I multiverse .


  4. They 're creating alter egos for themselves .


  5. In a storytelling game , the players use the game 's rules to create characters to serve as alter egos of a sort .


  6. A master of disguise , Holmes had an arsenal of unlikely alter egos , from an old lady to a simple-minded Nonconformist clergyman .
